From the course: Documentary Photo Techniques with Photoshop and After Effects

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Requirements for panning and scanning

Requirements for panning and scanning

- While having the bare minimum number of pixels is essential to tell your story, sometimes you're going to want more. That's because as you add motion effects to the image, you can tell a story. For example, starting zoomed in on the subject, and then pulling back to reveal things. Well, this makes it easy to actually control the flow of the story, or add visual interest. As such, you're going to need more pixels. Let's say we're going to deliver at 720p. So, if I select this image here, I'll see that it's not quite high enough resolution. It's only 776 pixels across and I need 1280 to tell the story. On the other hand, as we start to explore other images, we will see that some of them are higher quality. For example, in this photo here, I see that it's 1201 by 1800. Now with a little bit of scaling up, we can easily make this wide enough to tell our story. Let's open this up really quick and I'll choose Image, Image Size, and we'll set this to 1280 pixels to fit the width. Now the…
