From the course: Documentary Photo Techniques with Photoshop and After Effects

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Removing damage with the Healing Brush tool

Removing damage with the Healing Brush tool

- While the clone stamp tool takes pixels from one area and moves them to another, the healing brush tool is a little different. It takes pixels from one area and blends them with the other pixels to create all new results. This can be quite useful so you avoid the repetitive feeling that sometimes gets created with bad clone stamps. We can still use this same layer here or make another layer. Let's call this one, Clone Stamp and this one, Healing. The healing brush is located up here. You'll see two options. The spot healing brush and the healing brush tool. The spot healing brush doesn't require you to set a source point. You can tell it to sample all layers and simply drag over a problem area like this power line and it will attempt to generate new pixels. However, it may not do the perfect result. You see it tries, but it will grab from different areas. Generally speaking, shorter strokes work well. You make a really long stroke, it might be too aggressive as it tries to find the…
