From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 07 Parenting

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Preparing files

Preparing files

If you have the exercise files that came with these videos for this chapter open up the project AEA_Parenting_201.aep. This particular exercise was not part of After Effects Apprentice. It was actually included in an earlier book of ours called After Effects in Production. But we thought it would be useful to show it to you here. Open up Finished Movies and double-click the movie RoboTV-final. If you're using After Effects CS4, hold down Option on Mac or Alt on Windows to open it in this Footage panel. This is the final composition you'll be building,and let's RAM preview it briefly. (Whir, whir, whir) This robot arm was animated inside After Effects using parenting. Each link of the arm is actually an independent layer that we tied together in a parent-child relationship and then animated as a unit. Let's start by taking a look at how something like this may be built. I am going to switch over to Photoshop where I have it as a layered file. I'll turn off all the layers to start with.…
