From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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Nodes 2

Nodes 2

- [Narrator] So nodes.2 is a third-party plugin from Yanobox that allows you to create connected motion graphics. You can create complex particle based systems, as well as, heads-up display type of graphics. It is incredibly diverse, and you can actually follow along with this video by downloading a free trial of the software. So if I click on this Free Trial button, it's going to bring me over to FxFactory. And on FxFactory, I can watch a demo video, watch a few tutorials of nodes.2 available in some of the different software packages, as well as see what nodes.2 has been used in. Some very popular Hollywood feature films. So I encourage you to find out some more information by heading over to Download a free trial of the software. And just a note, I believe that the software is Mac only compatible, so just keep that in mind. I want to just close out my FxFactory page there, and head over to After Effects into my Chapter 2_7 composition. Here I have a solid,…
