From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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Newton 2

Newton 2

- Newton 2 is a 2D physics engine that will turn everything in your composition to a dynamic body, or in other words, have it be affected by gravity and fall. Unlike some scripts and effects we've used, Newton is selected through the composition menu. While we'll be covering the surface of some of Newton's features, keep in mind author Eran Stern has some great examples of Newton in action. Let's take a basic overview of the plug-in. - [Narrator] So here's the composition we'll be sending over to Newton. Before we send it over, let's take a look at the layers inside our composition. These might appear to be text layers, but they're actually separate shape layers. So if I go down here, into my timeline and select the P, you'll see that that's just one shape layer, and if I hold down command and the downward arrow, or control and the downward arrow, I can cycle through each of these separate, basically text characters, that are masks, and this is going to be great for Newton because…
