From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

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Navigating keyframes in the timeline

Navigating keyframes in the timeline

- As you work with keyframes, it's very important that you take precise control over the playhead. If you have lots of animation elements happening simultaneously, oftentimes, you're going to want synchronicity, where elements animate at the exact same time. This is easy if you're precise. Let's choose Undo here to remove the exponential scale. One of the things to be careful on is don't click on the stopwatch or you will discard any animation properties. But you'll notice over here that we have arrows. This makes it simple to jump forward or backwards between keyframes. Now, you can see here, that these don't line up very well. All of these keyframes are staggered. What I can do here, is move that. Now, if I use the J key, it's going to move backwards between keyframes. Remember that the playhead, particularly when you're zoomed in, is one frame wide. Let's go ahead and move this one here. I'll just select this single frame, and snap it into place. And pull this one back. There we…
