From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Match color and motion blur

Match color and motion blur - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Match color and motion blur

- [Eran Stern] Hey everyone, Eran Stern here, with another After Effects weekly episode. In this movie, I'll share with you tips and tricks for quick color matching and motion blur. I have these composition here we the clip of West Tel Aviv at night, and this clip was captured by one of my students Sasha candle to be exact. So thank you very much, Sasha. Anyway, I'm going to enable the 3d camera tracker effect that I've already applied to this short. Now if I'm going to go to the first frame, you can see that we are getting these blue banner which is asking us to click Analyze, and retract the shoot, this is happening because I've decided to extend this clip and edit few more frames at the beginning. Now it will force this banner to appear on screen. And these banner, he's actually going to render with the rest of the comp elements. So if you are happy with the tracking result, and you don't plan to add additional elements at the beginning of the clip, there is no real need to read…
