From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 17 Video Walls in Cinema 4D Lite

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- As we noted in the previous movie, our video wall is looking rather dull, even when I type command or control r to render what it would look like. The reason is that we don't have any really nice lighting or texturing on this yet. We just have basic grey surface with no directional lighting and no interesting surface treatments or colors. So that's what we're going to address in this chapter. First, let's improve the lighting on this wall. Learning how to light is a skill all by itself. If you have experience lighting scenes in the real world, it will come in very handy when you start lighting scenes in 3D. Your typical two or three light setup is just as valid in 3D, and if you don't have this experience, you might consider getting some basic lighting books, just to give you an idea of how real scenes are lit. But, you're probably impatient and saying, "I don't have time to read a book, "let's just get this model lit!" Well, fortunately, CINEMA 4D also comes with some very nice…
