From the course: Learning Stop Motion Animation

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Lighting your environment

Lighting your environment

A lot of you may be used to using a camera, and having the flash go off. Even though you might think there's a lot of light in the room, cameras often need a little bit of extra light to get the shot. After all, your eyes are much more expensive that a typical camera. So adding some light to the scene goes a really long way. I've got two simple apparatuses here that I want to show you. The first is a standard desk lamp. Now, inside this, we've put a compact fluorescent bulb and that CFL type light puts off nice, soft, even lighting. To make these a little bit easier, we've also put a bit of diffusion across that light. Now you could pick diffusion up at a camera store or a specialty shop. That takes the light and just makes it even softer so it produces even lighting. And when we put that on our scene here, it really lifts things up. Take a shot of that. Now additionally, if you want more light in the scene, maybe you're working in a low light environment, like your dining room table…
