From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 18 3D Text Cinema 4D Lite

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Lighting the scene

Lighting the scene

- [Voiceover] Cinema 4D does give me some default lighting in the scene while I'm working on it. I'll type cmd+crtl+r so you can see that here, but I think I'd like a little bit more control over my lighting so that maybe I can play around with its direction and where the specular highlights and the hot spots appear. To do that, I can add a brand new light. Now I personally prefer what's known as a target lgiht. That gives me the back of a light to move around and a target to say this is exactly where I'm aiming. When I have a hero object, quite often I want to put that target in the middle of the hero. That makes it much easier to aim. So I'll choose a new target light. Initially it's coming off from the side, but it's kind of hard to see. I can go to Panel, All Views, it should give me the last Arrangement that I chose. I can go to four views to see from all sides. Or, frankly, I think I'd like to see this a bit bigger, and have these just for references as I move my light around…
