From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Keyframes 101

Keyframes 101

- [Instructor] Hello and welcome to AE weekly. In this deep, I'll show you few things you can do with keyframes inside After Effects. Some of you may know, but I bet there's at least one or maybe two things that you'll learn, so stick with me and I may surprise you. So to demonstrate it, I'll press spacebar and this is going to preview this composition which is taken from another course that I have here in the library, illustrator for video and 3D. So if you want to check the context of this animation, you can go ahead and watch it. In any case, I'll go to the beginning, and then first, I'll go to the animation menu and I'll choose this command. Reveal properties with the keyframes. Notice the keyboard shortcut is U and also pay attention that nothing in the timeline is selected. So if I'll select this command, I can see all the keyframes that consists of this animation. Alright, I'll press U again this time from the…
