From the course: After Effects Compositing: 6 Tracking and Stabilization

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Introducing tracking and stabilizing

Introducing tracking and stabilizing

- Now we go into some more exotic tracking options that go beyond point tracking. We're going to look at reverse stabilizing a scene or an object to work on it. It's something that's very common to do in visual effects, and it's not as straightforward as it could be in After Effects, so I'm going to show you quickly how to do it and why it's a cool thing to do. We're also going to take a look at Mocha AE, there's a whole other course on how to use Mocha, I'm just going to show you how Mocha AE fits into this whole tracking picture. And we're also going to look at a couple different ways to stabilize a scene, both the way that's built right into the software as an automated tool, and the way to use if that tool doesn't actually do what you want.
