From the course: After Effects Compositing: 6 Tracking and Stabilization

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Introducing automated tracking for VFX

Introducing automated tracking for VFX

- So now we com to scene tracking which is the art and science of recreating how the camera moved in a scene. So this presumes that your camera was not locked off and it's generally better if it wasn't even on a tripod but is in fact somehow moving around the scene, whether handheld or on a dolly. Camera tracking results in a 3D camera in AfterEffects that you can use with 3D layers to recreate the motion of the scene. You can also create 3D objects, even possibly in Cinema 4D and place them in the scene. So it's a very elegant and sophisticated solution. Now the truth is that the AfterEffects camera tracker is not designed to be at the level of a third-party tracker. So I'm gonna focus on what you can do with the AfterEffects tracker just so you know. But as I've done with some of these other tools I'm also going to show you when you see the signs that it's time to look for a third-party tool and I'm going to show you a scene in which a third-party tool was used and how to work with…
