From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 17 Video Walls in Cinema 4D Lite

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Increasing the shadow density

Increasing the shadow density

- [Voiceover] I like shadows and vignetting. I think they do a lot to add to the believability of a scene and a bit of the mystery of the scene. I also like vignetting to draw the viewer's attention to the center of the screen, so they don't treat all portions of it equally. I have a little bit of a shadow going on here, but I want to see if I can improve that shadow around the edge of my bezel at all. The first thing I'm going to do is select my Studio Ring Spots and look at the Spot Options. So I scroll through this list, I see that I do have a Shadow Type I can play with. It's defaulting to a Shadow Map (Soft). Let's change it to None just to see if it is doing anything, and indeed there was a shadow caused by that. I want to compare the different Shadow Type options, so for that, I will take advantage again of our Picture Viewer. Let's render this whole scene to the Picture Viewer. I'm going to rename this "no shadow" so I can more easily compare these different results. I'll…
