From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 19 Motion Tracking with Cinema 4D Lite

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Improving the composite

Improving the composite

- [Voiceover] I've come to the point where it's time to render a preview to see just how well the scene is working, and make those final tweaks to hopefully integrate this crown better into this original footage. Originally the camera is looking up at the trees, so I really don't need to start my preview, or, for that matter, start my Cinema 4D layers until the very top of that crown starts to appear. Where is that? Ah, there is the very top of the crown starting to appear. So let's back up until it's safely no longer visible in the scene, and I'll do two things. One, I'm going to trim my Cinema 4D layers to not even start to render until we get to this point. So with the layer selected, I'll hold Option on Mac, Alt on Windows, and press the left square bracket to trim the layer to start here. I'll do the same for the shadow layer. And the next thing I'll do is I'll start my preview here. I'll press B to begin my work area. I'll press 0 on the numeric keypad. You can also press space…
