From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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GenArts Sapphire S_Effect and S_Transition

GenArts Sapphire S_Effect and S_Transition - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

GenArts Sapphire S_Effect and S_Transition

- [Man] In this movie we'll explore the ability to make your own custom effects and transitions using two special effects in the Sapphire library. It's located under the builder category, both as effect and as transition, allowing users to access a separate interface where they can have more control than what's available from other effects in the library. So, in this movie, we're going to get a better sense for how S effect works from the Sapphire builder category. And, we can begin by going to our effects and presets and doing a search for S effect. And, being able to take S effect and apply that to the clip in the chapter one zero nine composition. Once we do we can see all of the parameters for S effect in effect controls, notice its very limiting compared to some other Sapphire effects. In the last movie we sort of browsed all the presets that are under S effect but this time we're actually going to go in and edit the effect. You can see once I click that button I enter into a…
