From the course: Compositing Text and Video in After Effects

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Extracting and masking

Extracting and masking

- [Instructor] In this movie we'll take care of the second part of this comp, and composite the text under the spinning mixer arm in the more open view, over here. We'll use the extract effect and improve the results of it with a handful of animated masks. So I'm going to stop the playback, and I'm going to duplicate another copy of this third layer by pressing command + D, which will be control + D on the PC side. I'm going to raise it above the title comp, and I'm also going to name this layer, extract, after the effect that I'm about to use. So let's go to the effects and presets, and start to type down the same name, extract, here it is, I'm going to double-click in order to apply this effect after the paint and Lumetri color. Now, what I would like to do, is, this time, play with the white point in order to expose the text underneath the mixer arm. Now, you need to go back and forth here, in order to get the desired result, and also apply a decent amount of softness, this time…
