From the course: Learning Stop Motion Animation

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Export options

Export options

That was a lot of fun. Let's get the movie out so we can share it or edit it. Inside of iStopMotion, you need to save your work. So make sure it captures all the frames you've already recorded. The last thing you want to see is a crash and lose something. Once that's done, you could choose File> Export. Note there are a few options. If you want to go to an animated GIF, you could choose that, but my purposes here are to make a video file. One that I could either post directly or edit further. Here we go. File> Export. I need to give it a name. There we go. And let's customize that export, note under Settings you could choose a Codec. If we want to go directly to the web we could choose H.264. Or, simply opening this up here, you'll find several presets available. Let's save this as an H.264 file, which is very similar to what might be recorded in a DSLR. I'm going to take this into iMovie next. So that's a good balance of quality and size. There we go. Target the folder. And click…
