From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 06 Type and Music

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Exploring wiggly options

Exploring wiggly options

I am going to turn off the penguins movie in the background, so we can concentrate on the text. The title has no animation right now, so I'll twirl down the Text section. And I can animate almost any property, so let's animate Position for starters. And once I create an animator, I can then add a selector called Wiggly. The idea behind the Wiggly selector is that any value you set for Position, Scale, or Rotation, is setting the maximum amount that the characters can wiggle inside of. If I RAM preview, you can see the characters are going up and down but using the value I've set as their maximum amount. If I then add Rotation-- and let's just add a little rotation-- now the characters rotate clockwise and counterclockwise using the value for Rotation that I've set as a maximum amount. Once you've applied a Wiggly selector, you probably find it's just a little too hyperactive. I'll reduce my Position value, just so it's jumping up and down a little bit, maybe about 50 pixels or so…
