From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 02 Basic Animation

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Exploring the Global Performance Cache

Exploring the Global Performance Cache

- [Instructor] As of version CS6, After Effects has made some major changes in the way that it manages the cache of your previously rendered and previewed frames. After Effects refers to this as its global performance cache and that encompasses both RAM and disk based caches, and these are the subjects I want to cover in this sidebar movie. As you may know by now, when you have performed a RAM preview on a composition this green bar will indicate frames that have been cached or previously calculated and stored in RAM. They need to be stored into RAM so that After Effects can play them back in real time for your preview. Any change you make to your composition will cause this green bar to be erased, indicating it no longer has proper frames stored in RAM. For example, if I change the initial scale of the snowflake layer to 95%, you'll see that the green bar has disappeared just for the range in between those two scale key frames. From the second scale key frame onward, the value…
