From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

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Essential animation shortcuts

Essential animation shortcuts

- When it comes to animation, it's important that you know how to access the properties. And to do this, there are five useful shortcuts. If you select an individual layer, you always have the ability to twirl it down and then click again to reveal transform properties. However, this gets a bit tiring, as it's several clicks. If you'd like to see a specific animation property, you can access that by pressing the shortcut key. For example, A for anchor point, P for position, S for scale, R for rotation, and T for opacity. Now, you might be wondering, why not the O key? But you may recall that I and O are already used for the in point and out point of a layer. So, if I press A for anchor point, just the anchor point shows. P for position. R for rotation. S for scale. T for opacity. If you are seeing one property, such as scale, and you want to add position, just press Shift + P and the second property is revealed. This makes it very easy to jump to just to the properties that you want…
