From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 02 Basic Animation

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Editing motion paths

Editing motion paths

Now, I'm going to animate the snowflake along a motion path so it drops into position. If you remember, our title animates from zero to 1 second and 10 frames. I think I'd like the snowflake to fall into position about 10 frames later, so let's cover some tips on moving in time. In the Preview panel, you can advance one frame forward and one frame back. You can also press the Shift key to jump 10 frames forward and 10 frames back. If you have an extended keyboard, I prefer to use the Page Down and Page Up keys to do the same thing. Again, I can add the Shift key to jump 10 frames forward and 10 frames back. If you want to go to a precise frame, you can also click in the timecode area and type 1 second and 20 frames to jump to a specific frame. Either way, this will be the point in time where our snowflake ends up in its final resting place. So let's move it into position, and we'll drag the handle, adding the Shift key to scale it. If it was not quite exactly where you want it…
