From the course: After Effects Compositing: 6 Tracking and Stabilization

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Easily reset a track that goes astray

Easily reset a track that goes astray

- So in this section, I am encouraging you to treat manual points like they're not so fragile and you have to give up so easily on them. There are simple things you can do to get them back. And so to continue that, we're going to look at how the plan for interruptions of tracks. Now each of the tracks that I created previously do encounter interruptions and I'm going to give you three strategies to deal with that. The first strategy is the most obvious. Just try to pick a point that is not likely to get interrupted. This one is almost magical in its ability to miss both table legs that come by to the left and right, only to then get hit by this piece of paper here. Over here, we have a track that we would have known from the beginning is going to be interrupted by these table legs. So let's take a look at that. So in the case like this, what I would do is delete the points where it goes astray. So this is option number two. And if you miss a few, you can just go in and actually select…
