From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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Ease and Wizz

Ease and Wizz

- Ease and Wizz is available on aescripts, that is meant to simplify changing the easing or interpolation of keyframes. Let's see how this script/plugin can help us with our work flow. So let's take a look at what Ease and Wizz has to offer. This is a name your own price script that you can download at Now, I'm here in my chapter 5_3 composition, and I'm going to move my current time indicator to the beginning of the project, so that we can see the animation that I've created. And you can see here that a bunch of layers animate on screen at once. All of these layers, minus the null, are children of the null. You can see that I've basically keyframed this 3d layer in its position value, so that all of those layers come off screen, on screen. There's also individual animations, between the soccer, work, family, and TV. So, if I select the soccer layer, you can see that, first of all, it's scaling up, but if I hit U, you can see that there's some scaled keyframes on that…
