From the course: After Effects Compositing: 2 Matching Foreground to Background

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Develop an eye for saturation

Develop an eye for saturation

Maybe this has happened to you. I think I've matched to foreground and background colors perfectly with the levels effect, but, the element, just isn't quite looking right. I've shown you how to use levels to precisely match contrast, brightness, and hue, channel by channel, so, if you've totally nailed those, and you still see a mismatch, your problem may instead be with saturation. To illustrate exactly what saturation is, I'll add a second Levels effect, just for the histogram. As I increase the input white contrast. You can see these three spikes at the top getting farther apart. The further apart red green and blue are, the more saturation there is. So, for example, if I change the element to black and white, using a Color Correction, Tint effect. And I move that above the histogram. You can see that the difference between the colors completely disappeared. Now, I can just dial this in, by lowering the amount of tint. I can do this by I. Somewhere in here, it's looking just about…
