From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 02 Basic Animation

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Creating variations of the design

Creating variations of the design

So this is the idea corner. The idea is, you just play "what if?" you experiment with some of the timing, maybe add some more animation to some of the other layers, and just see what you end up with. Now I don't know what I am going to end up with, so the first thing I will do is I'll File > Increment and Save. That way I will have a new version in case I make a big mess. Another thing you could do is select the composition, and Command+D to duplicate it. Not only will you have a version of your original comp, but this is also an easy way to make variations. This is all about experimentation, so don't be afraid to try things. I have only two elements animating: the title, and the snowflake. They also don't quite synchronize. I will select all the layers and press U; that will reveal all of the keyframes that are applied. You can see that I purposely let the title animate a little ahead of the snowflake. I could synchronize these keyframes. Now the snowflake and title stop at exactly…
