From the course: After Effects Guru: Creating Presets and Controllers

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Creating a text animation preset, part 2

Creating a text animation preset, part 2

- In this movie, we're going to add to the two existing presets by creating alternatives for additional shows. So I've double-clicked my Chapter 1_3 composition from my Chapter 1 folder. I've got my text layer that I was animating in the last exercise, as well as the .mov file. And there are three properties that are currently being animated. There's the position value, the opacity value, as well as a scale value that are all being controlled by one range selector. And you can think about that as a box from the start to the end value, some stuff that I mentioned in the last movie. I'm going to press the disclosure triangle on the text layer. And we'll see this Animator 1 with the Range Selector currently keyframed. And as I scroll down, the Position, Scale, and Opacity value that are being controlled by that Range Selector. So let's just add one more thing to this Range Selector. And I think that will be Color. So to this existing Animator 1, I'll click the Play button next to Add…
