From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Creating a precise matte with Auto-trace

Creating a precise matte with Auto-trace - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Creating a precise matte with Auto-trace

- [Instructor] Welcome back to After Effects Weekly. Elan Stern here and I'm so glad you joined me because in this episode I'll show you how to use the Auto-trace command, along with Colorama, to draw a very elaborated mask in few seconds. This is a major time saver if you need to create a precise mask that describe detailed texture like you see in this cave over here. So, are you ready for it? Well, even if not here we go. So, what we are looking at is a shot from a title sequence which is taken from a two-part course that you can find here at LinkedIn Learning. More details about this at the end of this movie but, for now, let's concentrate on the challenge ahead of us which is to separate the stars background from this cave shot so we can project the flickering landscape behind it. Now, since this came from Premiere Pro there are three instances of the Color Key effect applied to this layer and this is just to communicate…
