From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

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Controlling playback in the timeline

Controlling playback in the timeline

- Being able to control playback is really important, and to do this, there's an entire series of controls. If you don't see it, make sure you locate the Preview panel. This can be accessed from the workspace or by choosing the Window menu and selecting Preview. At the top is a panel menu. This allows you to make a few changes. For example, if you want to undock the panel, you can. And that will make it free-floating. Or, you can take a look at some of the settings here. How it's going to behave in relationship to others. Now, let's go ahead and take a look at some of these controls. From top to bottom, you've got your basic playback controls, allowing you to jump to the first frame of the composition or the last. Let's adjust the scaling here a little bit. You can also navigate backwards a single frame at a time. Holding the Shift key down and clicking that button will now jump you 10 frames at a time. Same thing for going forward. This button here is useful to reset everything back…
