From the course: Motion Graphics for Video Editors: Terms and Technology

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Configuring Photoshop preferences for video workflows

Configuring Photoshop preferences for video workflows

From the course: Motion Graphics for Video Editors: Terms and Technology

Configuring Photoshop preferences for video workflows

- Besides changing the preferences for the application, you can also change the appearance of the user interface and this can be quite useful to streamline things. Let's go ahead and make a new document here for a moment, file name, and I'll go to the film and video category and just load the first default template. Now, you might notice that there's more things on the screen than you might want, I'll start by choosing window, workspace, and select, the motion workspace. This causes things to update. You can also choose window, workspace, reset to force the workspace to use the saved default. Now this is a pretty good workspace that might get you the results that you need, however, you can easily change things as needed. For example, the timeline's quite useful here if working with motion content like video layers but if you don't need it, you can simply hide it right now and I can get a little bit more space, I'll uncheck timeline. Now I'm going to also take a look here and hide the…
