From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

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Composition markers

Composition markers

- As you work in After Effects, the use of markers can be quite useful. They allow you to actually leaves notes for yourself, or other users. And they can be used for syncing things up. Let me show you some of the basic controls with markers. I'm going to switch to project 7A, and you see that we have some markers already in place. These markers are going to help us understand where key elements should happen. So if we play this back, you'll see that those markers were useful for controlling exactly when something was revealed. And at each point, something specific is happening. Well, that's easy enough. Now if you need to add another marker, just hold down the Shift key, and you can use the keys zero through nine to add a marker. Shift + 0, will add the first marker. If a marker's already been added, pressing Shift + 2, for example, will move that marker to the current time indicator. This could be quite useful. And you'll notice that these aren't attached to any one layer. Rather…
