From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

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Choosing a specific layer

Choosing a specific layer

- As you work in After Effects, the ability to select the exact layer that you want is really important. Fortunately, if you have a full size keyboard, or if you've added an external number pad to your laptop, you can use it to quickly dial in the selection. For example, if I press the seven key, it selects layer seven. If I quickly type 14, it selects layer 14. So, a single press of a key makes it easy to select multiple layers. Quickly typing two keys will select both, like 12. If I hold down the Shift key, you'll notice that I can type to add multiple layers. Releasing the Shift key and pressing one of these keys won't do anything. But selecting another layer, like layer eight, will change the selection. The use of the Shift modifier is a great way if you need to quickly select a layer. You'll note that if you press Shift and the key again, it will toggle the selection on and off. Having a full-size keypad is quite useful. And if you travel a lot and need it, adding a simple USB…
