From the course: Creating After Effects Templates

Choose a color theme with Adobe Color - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: Creating After Effects Templates

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Choose a color theme with Adobe Color

- [Instructor] In this movie we're going to look at choosing a color theme with Adobe Color. The most amazing thing about this application is that first of all you can access it from your web browser. And it allows you a number of different ways of creating color themes whether from color rules or even extracting it from an image, to exploring various trends and themes that are popular through Adobe Color. So let's look at how we could access the web browser and then how it's also integrated inside of Adobe Aftereffects for creating templates. I'm here on, this is where you'll want to go to access Adobe Color. And first off, it's going to bring you to the create tab. And under color wheel, here's where we can choose a bunch of color themes based on rules. Let's say I wanted to set up a color theme based on complimentary rules. You'll see it automatically gives me a color theme swatch of five swatches. And I could choose to change this up a bit. So if I dragged one of these circles, based on complimentary color rules, you can see that it's going to switch and keep these colors aligned. So this is one way to formulate a color theme. However some of my favorite come in just exploring Adobe Color. So if you go here to explore, you may have heard that the color of the year for 2020 happens to be a blue hue. And you can see a bunch of these selected here that you can try and even download to a library, or to your computer and then install it into Adobe Color through the extension and aftereffects. So you'll see just a ton of ideas of various color themes that you can use and maybe this will come in handy with a certain brand. On top of that you can also go to the trends section and here in the trend section, based on whether it be the category of fashion, graphic design and if I scroll down even further, you'll see stuff for game design and wilderness. This could be a great way for you to select a color theme. Instead, let's go back to the create tab. And instead of choosing stuff from a color harmony role, we're going to extract a color theme from an image. In the earlier movies I showed you guys a picture of some northern lights. And what I'm going to do is select a file and then sample colors from that image. This is available in the exercise files, so I'll head to my aftereffects templates 2020 folder. And under the footage folder, under photo assets, you'll see a number of stills here. On my Mac I can press the space bar to see a few of these. And looking at photo number 21 underscore one, this is where I want to grab some of the color. I'll choose to open this and upload it to Adobe Color. And automatically it's got some of the colors or five of them from this image. And I can see the color swatch up here to the upper right. I can change the mood from colorful to deep. Or in this instance I want it to be bright. I can even drag these around manually where I'll just go to none. It won't base it on any of these moods. Let's settle on bright. And by default it's going to try to save to a library. If I click on this downward arrow, you'll notice I can create a new library specifically for this theme. But for this case I'm going to keep it to my library. And I'll just type in northern lights. B and B 'cause this is a bed and breakfast that I stayed at. This is also going to publish it to color. Right, so this is going to allow people to get inspired by this image. And once I choose save, I'll see it's been successfully saved to a library called my library. Let me head into aftereffects and show you where you can access Adobe color themes from here. Heading to the Window menu, going to Extensions, here's Adobe color themes. Keep in mind you can choose to dock this as a panel and then save this as a workspace. I'm just going to dock it here to the right of the composition window. For the time being, minimize my essential graphics panel. Here you can see I can even create color themes inside of aftereffects, but what I want to do is see my themes from my library I currently have six themes and right now here is the northern lights B and B. If I needed to, I can click on these three circles to edit this theme. And you'll see here my swatch and my ability to sample each of these colors. Online you can even actually click on any of these color swatches and it will allow you to copy the hex code and then paste it onto layered aftereffects if that's what you desire. So there you have it, choosing a color theme with Adobe Color.
