From the course: Motion Graphic Design: Composition

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Applying color via CC Libraries in Illustrator

Applying color via CC Libraries in Illustrator

From the course: Motion Graphic Design: Composition

Applying color via CC Libraries in Illustrator

- [Instructor] Now we're going to recolor our artwork. We're in, you can open that too if you've got access to the files and you can follow along. You'll notice in my Creative Cabin cc Library, I have some colors that I've chosen to use for this project. If I want to bring them into this project, I'm going to open the Swatches panel, right click, and choose Add to Swatches. And you'll see that that adds the current selection to the Swatches, I've only selected one color. Now I'm not sure if it's a bug or by design, but when you use a spot color, and a spot color is a color that's been produced by a particular vendor such as Pantone or something like that, when you apply a spot color, it adds it twice. So you may need to do a little bit of tidying up. You can select multiple items, so I can select this one and then shift click down to the bottom and add them all. So let's go to Add to Swatches, and that adds all my colors in there. Now I can select those and then choose…
