From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

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Animating with the Sequence Layers command

Animating with the Sequence Layers command - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

Animating with the Sequence Layers command

- If you have several layers, there's an easy way to spread those layers out over time. This will essentially create a ripple effect that makes it easier to position several layers at once. Now, let's select layers one through 10. And I'll choose Animation, Keyframe Assistant, Sequence Layers. Now, if there's no overlap and you click OK, what happens is each layer comes one after another. And it simply put them all into the timeline sequentially. On the other hand, let's check the duration here of these layers. I'm going to guess they're about 10 seconds long each. So if I choose Animation, Keyframe Assistant, Sequence Layers, and I tell these to overlap by nine seconds, nine, zero, zero, you'll see it creates a stair step animation, where there's a one second gap between each layer. 10 seconds long with nine seconds of overlap creates a one second delay. If I want that to be quicker, I can say Keyframe Assistant, Sequence Layers. Let's type in 920 and click OK. And you see that now…
