From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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After Effects built-in lens flare

After Effects built-in lens flare

- After Effects has a built in lens flare to use in your projects. It's pretty basic, but let's see how the effect works. So, the lens flare in After Effects is pretty basic, and we apply it to a clip by going to our Effects and Presets. If we make our way down to the Generate category, we can see here that there is an eight bit lens flare available. And once we place that onto the clip, we'll see that it shows up, and it's here in Effect Controls. It's a very basic plug in, so compared to what you guys might see in a movie like Star Trek, it's not as elaborate, those lens flares. So, just a very basic set up, and we have a control here, which we can move around to move the center of the lens flare. Right there are the on screen control, and that's available to us because the lens flare effect is selected. We've also got control over the flare brightness and a choice between a few different types of flares. So we've got this first one selected by default, the 50-300 mm Zoom, but we…
