From the course: After Effects: Compositing Animation from Animate CC

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Adjusting colors and tone

Adjusting colors and tone

- [Instructor] Now let's look at how we can use the Effects & Presets tools to change the colors and the tones of the animation in the scene. So the most obvious place where I would want to use it would be, let me try not to move the background around, would be to change the values of the robots. Because we have three robots and if you look at them move, they tend to merge into one. It looks like more of an insect at this point, it's really messy. So I'm going to padlock everything except the robot layers. And actually I'm going to padlock the top robot. So I want to work with the one right behind him, and in the Effects & Presets here, I'm going to drag it up, and then click on Preview and info just to compress them, so we can actually see more of the effects and presets. We're going to work in the Color Correction mode. Now this course is not going to show you an encyclopedia of effects. I want to show you the ones that you're most likely to want to use to enhance your animation…
