From the course: After Effects Compositing: 6 Tracking and Stabilization

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Adjust Warp Stabilizer VFX for effects work

Adjust Warp Stabilizer VFX for effects work

- Let's take a look at Warp Stabilizer VFX. Just like the Camera Tracker, which is applied here. When I apply Warp Stabilizer VFX, I'm immediately going to see it analyzing the scene without me doing anything or setting anything at all. And the intention, generally, of the effect, is either to smooth camera motion or to eliminate it completely. So, those are the two options here. Smooth or no motion. Now, I advise you against choosing "No Motion", if, in fact, you had considerable camera movement in the scene. And, even if you're just smoothing the motion, you need to watch out for specific artifacts, and that is the main point of this lesson. For casual viewing, a result like this might be quite a bit preferable to the "before" version, which had a much shakier camera. So, Warp Stabilizer VFX is doing a really good job here. The price you pay for this, however, is seen up here along this back wall where the wall now looks like it's almost made out of rubber. Now, why is that? Well…
