From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 02 Basic Animation

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Adding a layer to a comp

Adding a layer to a comp

At the end of the last movie, we were previewing our sources in the Footage panel. So here again is where you can look at your footage without actually using them in an animation. You'll notice the Footage panel docks in the same frame as the Composition panel. Since I don't want you to get confused, go ahead and close the Footage panel, leaving just the Composition panel open. To add layers to a composition, an easy way is to learn this shortcut: File > Add Footage to Comp. The shortcut is Command+Slash on Mac, Ctrl+Slash on Windows. The advantage to using this shortcut is that it adds the layer to the center of our composition. But let me undo, and I'll show you another way to do that. If you drag your source to a composition before you release the mouse, you'll notice that it has a tendency to snap to the center of the comp. It also wants to snap to all of the edges. So if you want it centered, just find that snappy behavior and then release the mouse. However, once you release the…
