From the course: Motion Graphics for Video Editors: Creating Animated Logos

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Adding a cast shadow

Adding a cast shadow

- Now, cast reflections are quite popular, but so are shadows. Shadows allow you to add a bit of drama. Rather than just a simple drop shadow, we can actually detach the shadow and stretch it, transforming it so it looks like it is involved in 3D space. Here's how. All right, to start, I'll choose File > Browse in Bridge. I've got a logo here to work with, as well as a backdrop. Let's add that logo in, File > Place. This technique is a bit similar to the previous technique of reflections, except we're going to work with shadows this time. I'm going to choose Place Embedded so I can actually add that logo into the document and it will become embedded into the file. There we go. Click OK, and while holding down Shift and Option, or Shift and Alt on a PC, I can scale that up. All right, that's looking pretty good, but I'd like this iPod to be a little bit easier to see. I want to fill that in, and that's an old school iPod, but it's all right. Let's just modify this a bit and we will…
