From the course: Affinity Photo for iPad

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Tone mapping HDR images: Local adjustments

Tone mapping HDR images: Local adjustments - Affinity Photo Tutorial

From the course: Affinity Photo for iPad

Tone mapping HDR images: Local adjustments

- [Instructor] To apply local adjustments, choose the overlay paint tool and paint over the area that you want to adjust. So I'm going to select the windows so we can treat them separately, and it shows this red overlay to indicate the selected area. You'll notice I've gone over the sheet music here. We can remove the overlay in this area by switching to the overlay erase tool. Let's set a smaller brush size and now we can paint it out in this area. When we now make any adjustments, such as lowering the exposure, the overlay disappears and we can see exactly what we're working with. So let's take that down a little, let's reduce the brightness, maybe a little more saturation in the view through the window, and let's cool it up by dragging the temperature slider a little way to the left so we get more of a blue daytime effect. I'm going to increase the brightness slightly and that's not a bad effect. We can go into the Overlays studio, and we can see our master control and there's our…
