From the course: Advanced Affinity Photo for Desktop

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- [Lecturer] One of the best ways to learn about Affinity Photo is to use the built in help file. Here you can find every subject you want from Image stacks to Exposure merging, and there are helpful illustrations to show you what it's all about. You can find out about just about everything you want using these help files, so do take a look at them. Affinity Photo also accepts some but not all Photoshop plugins. For example, the popular Nik Color Efex filters as well as the Silver Efex filters for complex black and white conversion. It's also worth checking out the online user forums where you'll find a wide range of tips and tutorials as well as a set of downloadable resources featuring brushes, textures and so on. But really, the best way to learn about Affinity Photo is just to use Affinity Photo. You can't break the program so try everything, push it to its limits and see what you can achieve with this most remarkable image editing program.
