From the course: Affinity Photo for iPad

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Adding and masking adjustments

Adding and masking adjustments - Affinity Photo Tutorial

From the course: Affinity Photo for iPad

Adding and masking adjustments

- [Instructor] The cutout's looking really good now but I think Zeeteah's hair's looking rather too dark. So let's add an adjustment. We'll tap on the adjustments and let's choose the exposure adjustment. And we can put this panel away to hide it by tapping on its icon. Now let's boost the exposure, and as we drag, we can see her hair getting brighter. We can take it as light as we like. That's rather too far. I think a quite a small adjustment is needed roundabout there. So I like the way the hair is looking but I think her face is now rather too bright. Well, we can fix that by applying this adjustment selectively. If we open the Layers studio, there is our adjustment and you can see it comes with a mask, and the mask works just the same as a layer mask except it affects the adjustment and not the layer itself. So if we go for our brush tool, we'll set a large enough width on the brush so we can paint it all in one go, and let's try painting over the face. When we paint in black, it…
