From the course: Affinity Photo for iPad

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Adding Layer FX to text

Adding Layer FX to text

- [Narrator] I want to add an outer glow to this text. So I'll make sure the text layer is selected and now choose the layer effects studio. In here, we can turn on and outer glow by tapping, and if we tap on the words Outer Glow, it brings up the settings. We can tap on the radius and drag to the right to increase that glow radius. We can also set the intensity of the glow by dragging on it's slider. The fill is all looking to strong, so I'm going to take that off entirely. And I'm going to add a new color overlay as a layer style. Tap to turn it on, and tap the words to bring up it's settings. Let's choose our color. We'll choose a pinky-blue, and we can drag to set the brightness and the saturation. And tap away to close the color wheel. I'm going to change the mode from normal to hard light. So we can see through it. And now tap and drag the opacity to bring that down. And now we've got a very faint fill with the glow around it, doing most of the work. The glow looks a little…
