From the course: Programmatic Advertising Foundations

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How publishers rely on programmatic ads

How publishers rely on programmatic ads - Adwords Tutorial

From the course: Programmatic Advertising Foundations

How publishers rely on programmatic ads

- [Instructor] How publishers rely on programmatic advertising. The economic impact of programmatic advertising has had far-reaching effects. For starters, you may not like the ads on your favorite social media or news sites, but it the ads that drive your access to content, social networks, and many free services and apps. Programmatic has allowed many content-based businesses to monetize their content. This content can be in the form of news or information, blogs, apps, games, images or video, or as I mentioned, social feeds. In the past, publishers relied on advertiser contracts, or limited ad networks, to monetize. Their rates would typically be based on the amount of visitors they had on a monthly basis. Those publishers with extensive reach to large audiences could command better rates than small sites or bloggers. There were a lot of pain points in the process as well. Many publishers had to maintain their own…
