From the course: Print Production: Packaging

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Making the decision of packaging type

Making the decision of packaging type

From the course: Print Production: Packaging

Making the decision of packaging type

Before you start the process of designing packaging, of course you have to decide on the form of the packaging. So, here's what seems like sort of a simplistic question. What's the real primary purpose of a package? Well in truth, it's to transport a product. It's to get it from point a to point b, to get it from the manufacturer to the store, and ultimately to the consumer. And so of course that means that it needs to fit the product, so in a way, you're sort of working from the inside out. You start with the shape, and the nature of the product, and that's going to dictate the form of the package. So for example, dry food products, what do you want to do with a dry food product? What must that package do? Well, it has to maintain the freshness. And that can sometimes mean that you need to control the humidity. But interestingly, that doesn't always mean keeping the humidity away from the product. Sometimes it means letting the humidity escape from the product. So for example, you'll…
