From the course: Managing Conversions Between Adobe CC and Microsoft Office

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Export formatted InDesign text to Word

Export formatted InDesign text to Word

- [Voiceover] Now let's talk about getting text out of InDesign and into Word. I think that this is most often required when there is somebody that you're working with that they need to access the text to edit it or to reuse it in some other publication, and all they have is Word, they're not an InDesign user, a pretty common experience. Now, in this video, I'm going to show just how to get the text out. In the next video, I'm gonna show how to export the entire layout to Word. So, to get the text out, you're probably accustomed to just copying and pasting, and there's nothing wrong with that, except that you're limited to the text in a single story, and you really don't know if you're going to be able to maintain the formatting when you copy and paste it, and sometimes it's important to maintain the formatting, or at least the styles that have been applied. If I open up the Paragraph Styles panel here in InDesign, you can see that all of these have been applied with a paragraph…
