From the course: Print Production: Spot Colors and Varnish

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Creating spot gradients

Creating spot gradients

I was hoping to add a little interest to this job by adding a gradient that goes from spot orange to black. But you can see how anemic it is. So it's a little bit disappointing. If we look at this in Separations Preview, you can get a better idea of what's going on. When I go to Window > Separations Preview, if I turn off the Orange, so that we can see the Black, it's going from solid black at the very right, and a little transition off to white on the left. And then if I turn off Black, you can see what's happening to the Orange. So you can see that they both start falling off pretty much immediately. And so that mean that you don't have any real, strong combination of those colors here in the middle and that's why it looks a little bit weak. It looks a little bit gray. Now there is no way in Illustrator to create an ink that's a combination of two colors. So, I can't make a swatch that's a combination of Black and Pantone Orange, that's what I really like to do, but since I can't do…
