From the course: Print Production: Packaging

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Adding artwork: Handling bleed, trim, and glue

Adding artwork: Handling bleed, trim, and glue

From the course: Print Production: Packaging

Adding artwork: Handling bleed, trim, and glue

Iif you're creating a flat piece, something like an 8 and a half by 11 cell sheet, adding bleed is a pretty straightforward matter. You just add it concentrically on all four sides. But, when you start working in three dimensions as we're **** here with this folding carton. It gets a little bit more complex. Again, you're trying to provide a margin of error. That's what bleed is all about. And so, to do that for a three-dimensional piece like a folding carton, you create what's called a beveled bleed. Now, these are not the colors that are really going to be applied to this when we're done but it gives me a way to show you how to create a beveled bleed. So, I'm going to zoom way in on this intersection, and I'm going to select this shape and what I want to do is create a little diagonal here. So I'm going to get my Pen tool and what we're looking for is a little plus. So, this is a nice thing about Illustrator and Photoshop and Indesign too. Your cursor changes depending on what…
