From the course: Managing Conversions Between Adobe CC and Microsoft Office

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Add a continuation page to the Word letterhead

Add a continuation page to the Word letterhead

- [Voiceover] I wanna show you a neat extra thing that you can do with an InDesign letterhead that's been converted to an editable Word letterhead template. This is how we left the letterhead template when we ended the previous video where I showed you how to create it from the get-go. So that's starting from the InDesign file and then recreating it. But you may have noticed that if I scroll down in InDesign there is a page two that is a continuation page. And we didn't do that yet in Word. That's what I wanna show you how you can create that in Microsoft Word. So again, even though the graphic for the letterhead looks screened back, if you didn't see the previous video, that's because it's inside the header. And Word automatically screens back things inside the header. We like it inside the header, because it means that the client can't accidentally move it around, unless they really mean to, by double-clicking on it and editing the header. Let's close this and if you wanna see what…
